Lawford analytics is an independent consultancy offering premium Artificial Intelligence advisory, engineering and delivery services.

Who we are

Commercially minded data science, with deep technical competence. We take Data Science products from inception to production.

We prefer simplicity when it works. We don’t over-complicate solutions for the sake of it. That said, we have the experience and depth of skill to know when and how to go beyond. Whether that means applying bleeding edge bespoke neural network architectures to maximise performance, or creating advanced human and AI interfaces to realise previously impossible objectives.

We don’t start or stop at the model. Successful AI solutions knit well-thought-out organisational objectives with powerful models and effective downstream processes, software and interfaces. Whilst a model is often core to a new product or solution, the larger challenge is in seeing, and designing for the bigger picture. That’s why modelling is just one of the services we offer.

We are advocates of human in the loop solutions. Many objectives are better realised using AI to massively improve human efficiency, rather than striving for full automation. We are experts in designing pragmatic processes that take the best of AI for prediction and pattern-recognition, and effectively integrate nuanced and contextual human judgement.

We are full stack technologists. Whilst we primarily identify as data scientists, it is often impossible to deliver AI benefits without effective product design, software engineering and solution architecture. We deliver cutting edge software on a range of platforms, and are advocates of serverless cloud solutions for low overheads, and built-in scalability.

Finally, we are enterprise friendly. We are highly experienced at delivering data science products and services in large enterprise and corporate organisations. We are aware of the realities of operating in high governance environments, and adept at managing and navigating the risks involved and teams necessary to realise your goal.

Will Cubitt-Smith

With more than twelve years working in Data Analytics, Machine Learning and AI, Will founded Lawford Analytics after accumulating a huge breadth and depth of experience. This came first as part of Deloitte's Risk Analytics team in London, and later as the first lead Data Scientist at Royal Mail Group.

Equally comfortable on both the technical and non-technical sides of data science, Will splits his time between evangelising, demystifying and promoting AI to senior decision makers, and developing bespoke AI solutions and software alongside technology teams.

Will also loves to teach, and takes time to explain and upskill on the job, as well as delivering classroom training. Responsible for a great deal of technical training at Deloitte, Will has continued this work at Lawford Analytics through our training offerings.

Will has worked in a range of industries over the years, with significant engagements at Aon, Prudential, Credit Suisse, LBG, FSCS, Kingfisher B&Q, Morrisons and of course Royal Mail Group.

Will's educational background is in Physics, with an MSci in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University. He holds patent inventor for a Global Data Analytics Platform he co-created at Deloitte.